4. Energy Efficiency Gold Standard Project -100xTonnes US$


Min Order 100 x Tonnes
  Gold Standard Carbon Offsets

SKU: pr24004 Category:

Gold Standard renewable biomass based power generation project

This is project generates verified carbon offset certificates, each has a unique serial number and is equivalent to one tonne of CO2e removed from the atmosphere.

Biomass Energy Projects


Many developing countries rely heavily on the burning of fossil fuels to supply electricity to their population. These highly emissions-intensive activities account for a large percentage of man-made CO2 emissions globally.


Biomass energy projects generate heat and/or electricity by combusting organic matter like rice husks, animal waste, sawmill waste and palm oil waste. The energy produced powers and heats homes and industries, often using waste that would have otherwise been left to decay, releasing methane into the atmosphere and added bulk to landfills.


Biomass to Energy projects are responsible for millions of tonnes of C02 emissions avoided per year, through the use of bio matter for fuel rather than leaving it to decay, which produces methane emissions and fine particles. They project provide a genuine alternative to fossil fuels, enabling a shift to more sustainable production methods


Biomass projects enable a circular ‘waste’ economy and create supply chains and manufacturing processes for renewable biomass fuels, increasing their availability for local use. They meet growing demands for energy and and provide social and environmental benefits to communities in the surrounding areas.

– Certificates can be verified on the Verra or Gold Standard registry, where the full project specifications are also recorded.
– Carbon offsets are measurable, verifiable emission reductions from projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere and can take place anywhere in the world.
– Offset certificates finance verified projects that reduce and eliminate carbon which are subject to a rigorous registration and verification process.
– Projects can include wind, solar, hydro, biomass energy recovery, geothermal and GHG abatement. They aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
– We supply offsets through The Carbon Trade Exchange which guarantees transactions and provides rigorous measures to protect our customers.
– After purchase, you will receive a certificate showing the amount of tonnes you have bought, along with their serial numbers.
The Gold Standard Registry issues carbon offsets and is the central repository for all information and documentation relating to Gold Standard projects and units.
The Registry also ensures the uniqueness of projects and credits in the system. Projects are subject to a rigorous verification process where transparency underpins the positive outcomes of the carbon projects.
Verra carbon offsets are issued under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, a leading greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program. Verra sets the world’s leading standards for climate action and sustainable development. VCS projects have reduced or removed nearly one billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere with activities that reduce and remove emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature.
Carbon Registry Project Certification Details
To see the specifications for this project, locate the Project# on the list and click on the link


Carbon Offsets finance projects which help to slow down the rate of global warming, buying time for the world to make the transition to low-emission economies. We assist companies and individuals to go carbon neutral by offering wholesale prices direct from the trading floor of the global carbon spot exchange and negotiate bulk discounts for our 200,000 followers, allowing us to pass on the best market price.
Offsets are sourced through Carbon Trade Exchange our partners at the Climate Change Institute where they are subjected to a rigorous verification process. Purchases and transactions are subject to our Terms & Conditions