Solar Power Project VERRA Carbon Offset

Solar power projects offer a much cleaner alternative than burning fossil fuels to generate electricity, saving millions of tonnes of coal from being burned annually

By reducing reliance on carbon-intensive energy generation, solar power projects are a vital component in the fight against climate change. They also stimulate local economic growth in developing countries, create steady jobs, and promote renewable energy technology, paving the way for a sustainable future. By harnessing the power of the sun, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

This is a Verified Project that generates a limited number of certified carbon credits. Each credit is equivalent to one tonne of CO2e and has a unique serial number. These are recorded in the Gold Standard Registry, the Verra Registry or the CDM Registry of the United Nations.

After purchase, you will receive a certificate showing the amount of tonnes you have bought, along with their serial numbers. These can be independently verified on the Verra registry, where the full project specifications are also recorded.

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The Carbon Trade Exchange is backed by the Westpac Banking Corporation that guarantees transactions and provides rigorous measures to protect our customers.

Offsets are purchased through the Climate Change Institute where they are subjected to a rigorous verification and certification process.

Prices are in $US dollars. Taxes do not apply for U.S. residents and most other countries. Transactions subject to our Terms and Conditions.

Solar Power Projects

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Solar projects contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and additionally can have a positive impact on the local economies in developing countries.


Solar power projects have the potential that to save burning of millions of tonnes of fossil fuels each year, especially coal. They produce renewable energy to power homes and industry, keeping greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere. There is a growing demand for energy, and solar power can drive a low carbon future and boost local economic development.


To replace thermal and fossil fuel-based energy, these projects install a solar power facility in areas that can harness sunshine effectively. They reduce the emissions of harmful greenhouse gases, instead exporting clean and renewable energy to the grid. Projects assist to reduce emissions in developing counties and help achieve progressive environmental and economic targets by increasing solar energy capacity.


Solar energy projects reduce a developing country’s reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources and boosts local economies by providing job and training opportunities. As well as these direct benefits, the project funds a number of additional initiatives for local communities: installing solar street lights, giving solar lamps to local families and upgrading facilities such as schools and health clinics to ensure 24×7 uninterrupted access to electricity.


These projects makes a significant contribution to climate action globally by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in conventional electricity generation. They can boost local small economies, create steady jobs and stimulate renewable energy technology in developing countries.

Offset certificates finance verified projects that reduce and eliminate carbon which are subject to a rigorous registration and verification process.

Projects can include wind, solar, hydro, biomass energy recovery, geothermal and GHG abatement. They aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst supporting sustainable development in developing countries. To deliver genuine emission reductions and meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.


Certified projects must have the following attributes


Information on the project is made readily available.


Projects should offer efficient methods to reduce carbon.


Projects must be certified to world standards and the procedure fully documented.

The Gold Standard Registry issues carbon credits, each is equivalent to one tonne of CO2e. It is the central repository for all information and documentation relating to Gold Standard projects and units. The Registry also ensures the uniqueness of projects and credits in the system. Projects are subject to a rigorous verification process where transparency underpins the positive outcomes of the carbon projects.

Verra carbon credits are issued under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, a leading greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program. Verra sets the world’s leading standards for climate action and sustainable development. VCS projects have reduced or removed nearly one billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere with activities that reduce and remove emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature.

  • Additionality: The project is justified and the the carbon emission reductions achieved by the project would not have occurred without the additional funding.
  • Permanence: Projects should demonstrate that the emissions reductions achieved by the project will be permanent and the carbon must remain stored for a long enough period to achieve the intended climate benefit.
  • Verification: Projects must be verifiable and correctly accounted for, have a low risk of non-additionality, reversal, creating negative unintended consequences, and all forms of double-counting, including double-claiming of the emission reduction benefit, are avoided.
  • Co-benefits: Projects may have have additional co-benefits such as poverty reduction, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development and this should be considered.

Carbon Offset Certificates finance verified projects which slow down the rate of global warming, buying time for the world to make the transition to low-emission economies.

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We assist companies and individuals to go carbon neutral by offering wholesale prices direct from the trading floor of the global carbon spot exchange. Trading floor offers move rapidly, so we select the best projects on a daily basis. We negotiate bulk discounts for our 200,000 followers, allowing us to pass on the best market price. 

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