Uluabat HEPP and Cinarcik Dam Project is an integrated project located on the lower basin of Orhaneli Creek, one of the major branches of Mustafa Kemalpasa River. It is built within the scope of Emet Orhaneli Project developed by General Directorate of DSI (State Hydraulic Works) for utilizing the water potential in Marmara Region and has two components. First component, Cinarcik Dam is built by DSI mainly for providing agricultural, industrial and drinking water for Bursa city whereas second component, Uluabat HEPP project has been awarded to Akenerji Elektrik Uretim A.S. for 49 years period after the bidding by the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). Uluabat HEPP project has installed capacity of 100 MW and expected to generate 422.6 GWh as per the license however due to the use of water for other purposes, it is expected to decrease to 373.03 GWh in 2021 and 323.653 GWh in 2028 in parallel to GWh. For the first crediting period, it has been assumed that average generation will be 422.6GWh and emission reduction has been calculated respectively. Electricity generated by the power plant will be delivered to the grid by an 11.2 km long 154 kV double circuit overhead transmission line.